Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Leaving today! O.O

OMFG!WHY DO I ALWAYS DO THAT?!?!?! RAGE QUIT MAN! (lols jks jks, I'll type it again..but GAH!!) Once again my stupidity has caused me to lose three quarters of my post! (I seriously need to remember to put in a notepad!...the one time I forget and this happens...just my luck..==")

OH.MY.GOSH! LOLS! well I have been slacking off with blogging...again. =="
There was supposed to be another post in between this..but meh, I need photos for that so yeh x]
Ahh!! I cannot believe I'll be off this island..and on to an even smaller island =="for the next 10 months in less than 24 hours! I should probably be packing..but this seems to be holding my attention for the while...but mostly msn and fbing. Hopefully I'll finish packing before x] I'll figure it out later : P LOLS

OMG! LOLS I don't know, it seems every time I blog I have something to write about my best friend technology ==" GAH! My phone has COMPLETELY stopped working now! WAHH!! So I'm
emoing right now. But I cannot decide for the life of me, because I'm leaving so I'm excited...but my phonee!! ;_; this is a TRAGEDY! AND of course knowing my luck...and intelligent mind, I have saved all of my contacts ON MY PHONE! (*sigh...why didn't I save to my sim card mann!!) I have some photos of it just before I like suicided..but I'll upload them later..due to...some technical difficulties on this computer...==" which now brings me to ANOTHER malfunction ;_; Yes, I accidentally...put yet another virus on this computer..==" so I'm not uploading until I can get it fixed x] ...heh..heh...==" (Well...I'll upload when I'm on another computer lols)

Well I cannot remember what else I had said...and I should probably pack, so PHOTOS ARE COMING!....soon. haha x]

Bye bye for noww~ I'll post later today or somethingg : )

Status: SO DISORGANIZED!! O.O ....and not too worried~ LOLS! x]
Listening to: 年度之歌-謝安琪 (OMG Loving this song atm : ) )
Eating: Cereal LOLS!
Drinking: Stale water..eww : P

Monday, March 2, 2009

So the Countdown Begins...

Lol, lovely title don't you agree? I think it's brilliant and makes a big impact because I am such a genius baha! jks jks x]

This time I really will try to cut down the length of my post : P Sorry about that last post xp hah...hah x]
Well as my fantabulistic/fantabulous title implies...well not so much imply but actually states, the countdown has begun! The days until I leave for Japan! (yes, days! Nevermore will it be "months" until I go but "days" until I go!!)

It currently stands at 23 days! : P lolss x] (Unless I cannot count..and have mislead everyone to think I'm leaving in 23 days when in fact I'm not...but I do hope I haven't gotten it wrong : P)

Ah yes, photos! I nearly forgot..-.- lolss, I was going to make a separate post for my signature shirt things but nearly failed to do so : P
Well I'm amazed I even remembered x] I have terrible memory...Believe me when I say terrible x] It's so terrible that even technology's hatred cannot surpass my lack of ability to retain anything in my mind! I mean even my endless pit for an appetite cannot rival my abhorrent recollection of thought...(and I eat A LOT! People who see me throughout the weekdays would know that : P haha...)

My Eating Habits:
Wake Up- Eat
Get to school before the bell- Eat
First Period- Eat
Second Period- Eat
Recess- Eat (my lunchx]/ food donated to me : ) haha)
Third Period- Eat
Fourth Period- Eat
Lunch- Eat (buy food from canteen/food donated to me : ) lols)
When bell rings for class- Go straight to canteen to buy extra food : P
Fifth Period- Eat (food bought from canteen)
Sixth Period- Eat (" ")
Bus 1(from school to shops)- Go to shops to buy food and eat
Bus 2 - Catch either back home or to shops close to house and buy more food to eat x]
(Optional)Bus 3- If latter option chosen, catch bus to go home.
Home- Go grab the first edible thing(s) you see that requires the least effort to eat and go on the computer and eat until dinner time
Dinner- Eat (obviously..-.-)
After Dinner- Eat until sleep (earliest usually 2-3am)

Lols that's basically my timetable throughout the school terms : P

Thanks for reading~ : ) Hopefully you'll come back and visit~
Okay, this will be the last time I do this because it's annoying : P, please feel free to comment : ), constructive criticism is appreciated so I know where I'm going wrong and how to improve. I generally love all feedback (good and bad! I would like to know if you don't agree with anything (and of course if you do). It lets me know, I guess, who I'm talking to, what you are like (in a 'non-stalker-ish" way : )) and that there ACTUALLY is someone there! x])

Bye bye~!
xx z-man.

Status: Distracted, ♥ 林俊杰 : )
Listening to: 不潮不用花钱 - 林俊杰
Eating: Cookies and Cream Ice-cream ♥ (Yummm, loveee ice-cream : D lols)
Drinking: Ginger Beer (?) (or whatever it's called : P)

Ps. Yes I'm getting lazy...I'm only going to do one color today : P