Sunday, April 18, 2010

Frantic...but not enough to stop me from going out

I guess I'll be able to at least post until the school term starts up again?
Who knew school would be this time consuming? xD
I had never been one to exactly excel at school but I never imaged to fail.
I am completely and utterly stressed with the amount of work we have received for the holidays!
These two weeks have been more worried about how all this will get done as I have no clue on where to really start. For one, English has
never been my forte and having to compose at least a satisfactory tale for more than 3 pages on absolutely anything is not making me feel much better. Yes, most people would probably think, "Oh 3 pages is nothing", but to me even being able to write a full page is an achievement for me! (TOT)
Cannot possibly think of how this can end well. The whole of these 2 weeks I've been dreading that this would happen...Having not started any of the assignments...not know what to do for any of them and just fretting on the last day. It has all become the norm now...but I still fret, I mean I think it's pretty reasonable, I have 5 assignments left to do in a matter of 2 days...*sigh
The lack of time to do anything always makes me fidgety...I think I need to become more organised and efficient...I must say though...being the perfectionist (or so I've been told, but highly doubt seeing as I am like the most unorganised being I have ever met) that I am, I have OCD for organising things...but of course I'm extremely, extremely slow and cannot be trusted to do anything at a moderately quick or accelerated speed. Meaning I am completely unorganised. (^^;
Well yesterday although I was under the delusion that I sleep deprived, it was just because I was sick. It was just eww...I didn't end up sleeping at all as I had to stay in an upright position or I felt like...I don't even know how to explain it besides from feeling crap. So I stayed up and just did nothing until the morning when I finally just ended up sleeping while sitting until late afternoon, how productive. ==
When I woke up it was time to get ready for a friend's birthday so I didn't get anything done today! :( Yes, although I have much work to do, I decided it would have come afterward...
I also forgot my camera when I went so unfortunately no photos of when I was there but I'll end it off with a photo of what I ended up wearing to the party after several changes during my usual councilling sessions (on what to wear) with one of my girlfriends before we go out! Makes me feel a lot more assured that I don't look completely out of place; that I don't wear a daggy shirt and ripped jeans to a formal event and vice versa. (^^; Might not seem likely but seeing as I'm KY it could happen lols xD.

Black padded shoulder jacket, plain white singlet, thick black belt, a black lace skirt with a silky beige underline and random necklace that isn't visible in this photo (^^;


Status: Fretting! (´●_●`)゛
Eating: Mandarin, olives, tim tams, container of vegetables and pork(?)(...some type of meat xD)
Weather: Kind of least it was at evening, not sure abt during the day though :P

Friday, April 16, 2010

Erratic Post. ...and possible start over?

Hello again~ Although it's already the 4th month into this year, I haven't had a chance to say it so I think I'll just do it anyway, Happy New Year people :D even though mine is definitely not the best atm
Well although it has been over a year since my last post I just had a strange urge to which has lead me to want to start posting again! Knowing me, I'll put up this one-off post and never come back again until another age later, but let's see how this goes (^^;
Well I guess I'll just start off with updating everybody with how the current me is and my new purpose.
In my expert opinion, I haven't really changed much at all, only the fact that I don't know how to use English more than I didn't before I left, けど日本語でブログをしたらみんなが反対するけー、英語にしたんだ(まぁ、どちでも言いたい事はうまく伝えられないね(^^;)), I've lost a fair few more brain cells, more
emo and I'm 4 cameras, 2 phones and a couple grand worse off than I was in the previous year. But I still fail at everything I attempt, technology still holds it's seemingly everlasting grudge upon me, I still dress tackily at home while forever eating, watching my dramas and facebook stalking people ; ), and continue to photo whore away in attempt to raise my little self esteem. I also still have no sense of order in which I write and have probably trailed even further down that track (^^;
As I still don't know the correct use of paragraphs (or any grammar related things at that) I will, like usual, be using them freely when I remember them and as I please so bear with me (^^; (...for that and the use of this emoticon." (^^; " I have probably been abusing this poor emoticon since...around the start of this year when I found the convenience of using this face. It like works for so many things I say.)
Seeing as my previous purpose for starting this blog like epically failed seeing as I was like...cut off from all possible connections with the outside world, long story which I will get to another day, but anyways it failed seeing as my last post was in Australia, the 10 months has passed and I didn't post anything during the exchange. So my new resolute is to...I'll figure that out later, but I think why I used to post so infrequently was because I used so many colours and wrote...lengthy ramblings on nothing. So that is the first thing I am planning to change here! Second is, seeing as 10 months is a long time...or is it? Well in this case I'll just say it is. Anyways, seeing as it is, I don't plan to write it in chronological order and will probably just write random things I remember now and again. In other words, I won't be devoting my time to only writing thoughts and happenings of when I was in Japan being the fact that a lot of it wasn't even interesting enough to be bloggable...when described by somebody as illiterate and in-able to express their feelings properly as me
Anywho, I think I'll stop for today : ) Hopefully I will be back again soon ; )
Looking forward to less hassle and more pictures...and posts? x]

z-man. ♥

Status:Possibly sleep deprived...?
Listening to: Random old chinese music playing in the living room
Eating: Caramel Pretz, gummy bears
and olives