Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Random 4#

As suspected the amount of posting during the term would be few, but I'll try to make an effort to do more. Lately...well not really, but the last time I came on (...last week maybe?), I was contemplating on whether to post or not, but coming to the realisation that I had nothing to post on, I instead decided to change the look of my page...well...not complete renovation but it took be a good couple of hours to make it look the same as before with just a couple of adjustments (^^; (probably would have just taken a couple minutes for the rest of the population, but it's me we're talking about xD) I also changed the header thing to a photo I took while I was in Japan :D (yes I know you could probably find this anywhere but it just sounds cooler when I say it's from Japan...which it was x]);was trying to make it a banner thing which spans horizontally across the entire page but that failed miserably so I'm stuck with...well what you see now, the daisy looking flower...I think it's a daisy? x]

Anywaysss, on Sunday while I was studying for the Reading and Writing exam (that was on yesterday) I made a pavlova~ :D I know, how exciting! (♥≧▽≦)It didn't turn out the best since...well a couple of reasons but since it was still edible, which is what I aim for when I'm cooking, I think I have satisfied my criteria (as everybody who ate it is still currently alive :D) what can I say I set my standards extremely high xDD only the skilled can really fulfill my expectations. haha

Isn't it a master piece? xD lols, jks jks.


Status: Tired but not?
Eating: Mélange of breads from Golden Palace :D mmm.
Weather: nn...alright I guess.
Listening to: The Restaurant City background music...xDD