Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Random 4#

As suspected the amount of posting during the term would be few, but I'll try to make an effort to do more. Lately...well not really, but the last time I came on (...last week maybe?), I was contemplating on whether to post or not, but coming to the realisation that I had nothing to post on, I instead decided to change the look of my page...well...not complete renovation but it took be a good couple of hours to make it look the same as before with just a couple of adjustments (^^; (probably would have just taken a couple minutes for the rest of the population, but it's me we're talking about xD) I also changed the header thing to a photo I took while I was in Japan :D (yes I know you could probably find this anywhere but it just sounds cooler when I say it's from Japan...which it was x]);was trying to make it a banner thing which spans horizontally across the entire page but that failed miserably so I'm stuck with...well what you see now, the daisy looking flower...I think it's a daisy? x]

Anywaysss, on Sunday while I was studying for the Reading and Writing exam (that was on yesterday) I made a pavlova~ :D I know, how exciting! (♥≧▽≦)It didn't turn out the best since...well a couple of reasons but since it was still edible, which is what I aim for when I'm cooking, I think I have satisfied my criteria (as everybody who ate it is still currently alive :D) what can I say I set my standards extremely high xDD only the skilled can really fulfill my expectations. haha

Isn't it a master piece? xD lols, jks jks.


Status: Tired but not?
Eating: Mélange of breads from Golden Palace :D mmm.
Weather: nn...alright I guess.
Listening to: The Restaurant City background music...xDD


  1. haha your standards are very high xD *cough*
    omg that looks so prettyy! a mystical pearl (grape) within a mysterious shell (strawberries) hidden deep down amongst the sea beds (what am I talking about?) and on top of a fluffy white cloud! *slapselfonhead*

    Baking cake while studying really works because it makes 'studying' feel like you're just filling up time while its baking XD

  2. haha! aww shushh, your just jealous that your standards arent as up to scratch as mine. xDD LOL jks jks

    haha! yeshh ♥ i think i want to make more stuff~
    but i can never be bothered to clean up and thats why i just usually end up deciding not to make anything at all (^^;
