Saturday, February 28, 2009

Random #3

First off, there you go, this post is considerable shorter than previous posts lolss. Now start.

Oh! This probably isn't very interesting to the rest of the population but....I finally went to LUNA PARK~ : ) haha x] It was fun! >< I went on all the rides~(that I could fit on x] haha) Most of us were completely soaked at the end since it was raining and we went on "The Big Splash" countless times x] haha!
I forgot my camera that day (Ahh, I'm kicking myself for that) and had a run in with technology again when we realised that Xue's camera was out of batteries...-.- lols
When we though all was lost and that none of us had a camera Adrian came and saved the day and lent us his camera for the day~ : ) (Thank youuuuuu~
I would have died if there wasn't a camera to take photos so I could commemorate my first time at Luna Park! haha) But in the beginning his camera also appeared not to be working which nearly gave me a heart attack! : P
...I really have to get those photos..-.- lols x]

On a more recent topic, I had my last day at school today~! : )
I am now free from Australian education until 2010! Where I will have to suffer the consequences of not writing in english for 10 months : P haha~ x] I'll post up a photo of the sec : P lolss IF technology decides to have mercy on me today...-.-
..the end result?...
-.- i hate technology...
any guesses anyone? Yes...that is's not uploading..rawrrr!!
Anyways, moving on, I'll upload it at a later time and post it : )
...hmmm, actually I'll post one together with the rest of them : )
Oh, and a big THANK YOUU~!
for everyone who contributed to the signing of my shirt : ) Lovee you all! : )

Argh! But something else tragic happened (besides stupid technology being predictable as ever -.- lols)...yesterday though! : P ;_; .... I finally worked up enough courage to go back to the hairdresser after the last disastrous cut to get another one...;_; (Okay...I must admit it's not as shit as the last one..but *'s still..gahhh, I dislike it : P) I don't know why but he always cuts it way too short! won't leave it alone. ;_;

Ahh, such sweet people! Well I mention SW for buying me new headphoness! Thank youuu!Yes, and hopefully my brother's headphones will last until Monday when I receive yours due to another incident with technology malfunctioning on me...3 pairs of headphones decided to breakdown on me in the matter of 2 days...
Ahh~ on the topic of gifts, I must also thank my youth leader, Joni! She bought me a bible with the prettiest bookmark ever! x] I will take good care of it in Japan! Thank you guys! : )

Thanks for reading~ : ) Hopefully you'll come back and visit~
Ahh..I think I'm going to stop saying this soon...but just for the heck of it I will say it again this time : P, please feel free to comment : ), constructive criticism is appreciated so I know where I'm going wrong and how to improve. I generally love all feedback (good and bad! I would like to know if you don't agree with anything (and of course if you do). It lets me know, I guess, who I'm talking to, what you are like (in a 'non-stalker-ish" way : )) and that there ACTUALLY is someone there! x])

Bye bye~!
xx z-man.

Status: Happy~
Listening to: 發現愛 - 林俊杰 & 金莎 (One of my favorite songs~ : ) lol)
Eating: Tim tams ♥
Drinking: N/A

ps...actually looking back on it now I don't think it's actually much shorter..on the contrary, there may be a possibility that it could be longer >< lols : P

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