Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Random #2

Ah! Sorry for the lack of blogging...if anyone reads this x] Here is another "filler post" before I actually begin to complete my actual purpose for this blog (yes, because "everyone loveeees filler posts")
Okay, well I don't think I have any interesting to report atm...either that or I don't remember it xp GAH! I H-A-T-E TECHNOLOGY! I WILL
K-I-L-L IT ONE DAY!! I know I went on a really long rant about it last time I posted, and I apologize for bringing it up again, I mean, I really was going to keep it to a minimum this time, but...GAH!It just HAD to be stupid and screw up...I mean I wrote out most of this post and I left to watch "Lie to Me" on TV (btw, that is a good show, someone must remind me to watch that from now on : P lols) and when I came back to come make it all nice and colorful and prettify it up but I am instead shocked to find....HALF OF IT MISSING!arghh!!! (Oh and my tags went missing too, but that's alright because it's easy to re-type seeing as they're related to the post : P) *sigh...well let's see what I can remember...uh...

Well Xue had her birthday party...2 weeks ago (?) Anyways, I met some her friends, who were all, V.nice and extremely smart! her...: ) lols I feel so V.V.stupid around them : P But all's good because they were v.friendly~
I woke up at 4am that day...-_-" Haha, well anyways I got there hour-ish before the time we had to meet because I needed to buy some things...but I spent basically the whole time going in the wrong direction...(Did I mention I also have V.bad sense of direction? heh...) So I walked for 30 minutes-ish and thought...huh...this doesn't look like the right place...and had to walk all the way back but by then it was about the time to go to the train station where everyone else was supposed to be gathering and I was completely clueless of who everyone was, but then Nola came up to me and introduced me to everyone and we walked to Market City, all the while fighting for who should hold the bags, to eat lunch. After that we went to Galaxy World for...a v.long time >< (Ahh, I'm soo poor!) Lovee DDR~!!!
lolss. Oh! I also went to K for the first time~!! It was fun~!! But DREADFUL! A couple of things happened, first of all, when we arrived at Big Echo they told us that their larger rooms were "under maintenance" and referred us to K-mix, so as we headed to K-mix but on the way the group got split in half and the people who knew the way ran ahead and left us in the dust, coughing and dying on the streets; the people that were lagging behind because they were talking or didn't even begin to know which direction to go (Obviously I was the latter part of the group which arrived later). lol. Oh! Something unexpected happened when we were leaving Big Echo, I saw my brothers (with a couple of their friends) walking in! Lol, which is why I started talking to Stanley. Haha! Anyways he made a comment about how dodgy it was that my brothers were walking in with 3 girls(...or was it 4? meh) lol and of course, naturally as the "wonderfully nice sister that I am", I defended them, lols, well this continued until we arrived at K-mix where "THAT" happened. haha, don't worry, nothing suss. I was just, my hand was abused! lols, like seriously the next day it was so swollen, purple and red that someone came up to me and asked if I was alright >< . After the slapping game we played another torturous game! Well we had a lot of food from lunch that was uneaten so we had to get rid of it somehow without putting it to waste so they suggested playing games (whoever loses, eats. One thing you need to know, I can't play games; I have horrible luck and practically always lose), I ended up (basically) eating the entire extra cake! (and Stanley wouldn't give me my drink back until I finished the cake...-.- so cruel! lols) Ah~ but Adrian helped me because he felt so sorry for me, I was dying lols! So nice lar~! haha
Oh! But it doesn't end there, after that to finish the rest of the food they decided to swap to playing with Nancy's dodgy cards haha (They looked nice though, so shinyy~ ><) By the end of the session I had eaten...the cake, more cake, chips, wafers, sushi, a box of chocolate take away 2 or 3 (I didn't actually lose EVERY game : P lols, thankfully), box of shapes and part of the box...-.- (This includes what I had at the food court) Ah! I cannot believe that EVERYONE of Xue's friends (okay..maybe not everyone but most of them) could speak/read chinese! (both mando and canto) I want to learn too~! Someone teach meee x] lols

Thanks for reading~ : ) Hopefully you'll come back and visit~
I'm sorry if this is getting repetitive but I will say it anyways, please feel free to comment : ), constructive criticism is appreciated so I know where I'm going wrong and how to improve. I generally love all feedback (good and bad! I would like to know if you don't agree with anything (and of course if you do). It lets me know, I guess, who I'm talking to, what you are like (in a 'non-stalker-ish" way : )) and that there ACTUALLY is someone there! x])

Bye bye~!
xx z-man.

Status: Annoyed at my computer's lack of cooperation!
Listening to: 我最起愛的 - Hotcha
Eating: Kimchi ♥
Drinking: N/A


  1. -LAUGH-
    Yeah, Lie To Me is good. 8D NCIS is great toooo. <333

    Haha, Xue's party.. Her actual birthday coming soon.

  2. @ alon.~
    Lols!! Yeh, on the 10th right?
    Oh! I haven't watched that before >< lols
    A couple of people said that was good but I can never remember to turn on the tv unless people that I'm talking to tell me to turn it on when it starts (on msn) lolss!

    @ le steph~
    Haha! >< I wasn't there because of orientation for the exchange, actually, I won't be going tomorrow either : P lols
    I'll see you on Monday or Tuesday~! lols

  3. hmm well i decided this was too long to read so if u want me to read your posts make them shorter lol lol im so lazzy.
    why thankyou for visiting my blog beyotch. how dare u call me sweetie! :@ << angry face lollllers.

    anywho catchu laderss mandeeneee. xx

  4. Haha! Okay, okay, I'll make them shorter from now on : P ..I't not like I do it on purposeeee ><
    No problemm~ : ) I will call you sweetie as much as I want to!! tehe~ lols, I'm the one who types all my emoticons so I know them all (the ones I use lolss)

    Bye byee~
