Wednesday, January 7, 2009


First and foremost, hello and welcome to my blog : )
I'm Mandy, a 2009 Exchange Student going to Japan(I know, how exciting aye~ x] lol), and this is my...currently not so interesting blog x]
That will change very soon!...hopefully.
I am infatuated with...many, MANY things at the moment, some of which include languages (I even made a list of the order in which I'm (planning on) learning them (there's about..9-ish?...Somehow I don't see this happening, but I can always dream : )), art- although I epically fail at it, photos (because seriously, I cannot live without them ><) and of course JAPAN! This brings me to why I had originally created this blog.

Although I do plan to continue blogging after my exciting adventure in Japan, basically I had made this blog to keep note of the various activities and happenings in Japan (as a kind of "personal online journal" as I have terrible, terrible memory, as well as to (attempt to) share my experiences in Japan with you!(But you will rapidly become aware of the fact that I cannot explain things and/or speak in a clear, orderly manner that makes sense to the rest of the world (Sorry! Don't worry, I will try to speak as normally as possible (for me))..which is (partly) also the reason for why it is a "personal" online journal x])) Oh, on the note of journals, thank you "Playboy Santa" (aka Ked) for the lovely and very prettiiiifullll journal that you bought me! That was so thoughtful! (Now I don't have to go out and become increasingly frustrated with myself because I couldn't choose one..or find one to buy myself =] ) Everyone's message was so sweet! : ) Loved it ♥

So for the next 10 months starting from March 25th (?) I hope to be blogging about my life in Japan as well as several other things. If you ever have any questions I will to try to help...I really do emphasis the try to x]. I would love to help (if possible)...But I'm sorry if I'm not that great x]
Ahh, but really still cannot believe that I will be even going to Japan! Its been about...2 months since I had found out and since then I had not heard much from AIIU (which is the company I will be going with)...which is (partly) why it feels like it was just a dream that I actually got accepted, until yesterday when I found out where my school is (as well as which school I will be attending in Japan!). I haven't got a clue who my host family is yet but that's alright (for now, hopefully I will find out soon though). In about 2 months, I will be sitting on the plane on my way to Narita Airport =D Well, I don't want to start to ramble as I have a really bad habit of doing if I don't refrain myself so I guess I will wrap it up here! : )

Ah! One more thing, please feel free to comment : ), constructive criticism is appreciated so I know where I'm going wrong and how to improve. I generally love all feedback (good and bad! I would like to know if you don't agree with anything (and of course if you do). It lets me know, I guess, who I'm talking to, what you are like (in a 'non-stalker-ish" way : )) and that there ACTUALLY is someone there! x])

Thanks for your time~! : )
Bye bye~!
xx mandee. (aka z-man. lol)

ps. Oh! There's another thing I (nearly) forgot to add, sorry. A VERY late Merry Christmas to everyone and also another late thing Happy New Year! (Sorry!)

Mood: Relieved.
Listening to: Straight Jacket Fashion - Chevelle
Eating: Arnotts Biscuits~ x]


  1. hey mandeee!
    i am the first to comment! yay!
    i feel proud and honoured! lol
    i like the layout of this blog! its so cool!
    anyway, DON'T GO TO JAPAN! but if u can't get out of it... TAKE ME WITH U! LOL!
    i was serious btw...
    anyway we hav to c bride wars wen it comes out ok? this is ur reminder! lol

    jenn a.k.a jefina

  2. Haha!
    Well I had another layout before...but I'm currently experiencing some "technical difficulties" (lol) with it so I am temporarily using this until I can either;
    1. (attempt to) Fix it (which is what I'm currently doing...or trying to at least x] lol)


    2. Find a more awesome layout than the one I'm trying to fix x]

    Lol! Yes, you should master the way of "The Stowaway" and come on the plane =D and you may live in my closet and sneak into my school : ) lol (But only if you can master all that before...March x] lol or you could come during my exchange =D)

    Well if you aren't skilled enough...*cough
    ..I mean, if you can't be bothered to do all that, because we all know you are obviously skilled enough (jenn, the ninja of the night *wink lol)

    Oh! Yes! I'll "definitely" remember that...o.o x] lol
    I think it would be safer just to ring me when we're going x] (preferable at least a few hours notice would be nice...but if you can't afford that just ring me when I need to leave, hah! : ))


  3. lollllll cool blog mandii :))

  4. haha! thanks ked : )
    Come visit again soon~ : ) (hopefully x])
