Monday, January 12, 2009

Random #1

Hello again~ : )
So to fill in time betw
een now an March I thought I should continue to post here : ) So this is my "Random series" (aka rambling and spontaneous things that jump into my mind x])
Okay, well I think I'll continue with the whole color thing while I'm still not feeling too lazy because it takes uberly long for me to choose colors because I'm soo really fussy on them(actually I lie, I'm taking a shortcut today (because it is currently...3.39am, although I realise by the time I post this it will be a lot later because I am
wayy too slow x])(I'm just using the colors from last time x]))

Adding on "the things I like"
from last time, I cannot believe I left this out, but Korean things are like O.O! so! x] Okay, what am I kidding, I'm like ♥ for anything asian at the moment...It's baddd! I mean I love it...but it's baddd x]
Sorry guys! I really will try to restrain from becoming as fobby as possible (for me x]) Haha! I'll come back from Japan speaking "Jaglish" (aka Japan
ese-English) haha! Hopefully not...I don't want to be a "Chinese girl born in Australia with a Japanese accent when speaking English"O.O!

Oh! I went out today and I was just passing "Mor
ning Glory" (gah! I hate that shop! It's plotting to make me broke!) and (as usual) I cannot resist but to walk in...(and again, as usual) thinking, " Okay, this time I REALLY will not buy anything" and "This is STRICTLY just a "window" shopping trip (although I go inside the store) but (as usual) I walk out with something from the shop and less money (when I'm already poor/_\ and I'm saving for my exchange!...or at least trying to ) But today they were having a EVERYTHING HALF PRICE SALE! I was like O.O!! Like...everything....O.O x] I bought this V.cute plush toy thing (which is the photo below) x] and various other things, but I didn't take photos of them so they will be referred to as "other things".
So my latest J drama was Room of King! That was soo cute! Unfortunately the subs died halfway(I know why they do...but the think I don't understand i
s why it's ALWAYS halfway through the series when the subs go all weird) so I had to listen to it..;_; lol (I's sad that I can't do both yet..I can either listen and understand(but not get to watch) or watch and not understand../_\ EPIC FAIL! gahhh..wish I could do both ;_;) But I loveddd it! x] Okay, I'm probably bias because I love ALL the dramas that Mizushima Hiro is in! (There are "several" other actors/actresses that I are ♥ but that will be for another time x]) Even though he's in it, I have seen better. But still good~
Cannot wait till his next drama (Mei-chan no Shits
uji (aka Mei's Butler). This drama is based on a manga, and Shinonome Mei ( a first year junior high student) is played by Eikura Nana ♥ : ) (21), Mizushima HIro(23) as Shibata Rihito (21 year old Butler) and Sato Takeru(19) is Shibata Kento (Mei's classmate and younger brother of Rihito).

1. Eikura Nana
2. Mizushima Hiro
3. Sato Takeru

Jenn!! Oh! I just thought, are we watching "Bride Wars" (oh please say I got the name of the movie right x]) on the day it comes out? Or will it be just too annoying to get tickets on that day? 5 days~! : ) Have you seen Brownie's bag?! I was like...O.O! (hmm..I just appears that I have that expression A LOT!) It's..woah! I want to see it! It's like..EPIC! I wonder how long it took...
One more thing, you NEVER seem to go on msn! x] I'm like, jenjen~ where is jenjen~! x] lol or maybe you prefer a more "Dwyer" approach to it, Jenny. lol! you know you like it : )

Oh! I went to...uh...where is that place? ...well the place name isn't important because I can't remember it, but moving on, I went like..3 days ago? and I took some prettiiffulll photoss (in my opinion..I'm not sure if other people would agree.../_\)~ (because the place was very prettiiifuullll~) x] lol (But I haven't uploaded them yet ><)

Well I think I really should sleep...the time is now 5.25am-ish and this post is gradually becoming longer than it should really need to be.

Thanks for reading~ : ) Hopefully you'll come back and visit~

Once again, please feel free to comment : ), constructive criticism is appreciated so I know where I'm going wrong and how to improve. I generally love all feedback (good and bad! I would like to know if you don't agree with anything (and of course if you do). It lets me know, I guess, who I'm talking to, what you are like (in a 'non-stalker-ish" way : )) and that there ACTUALLY is someone there! x])

Bye bye~!
xx z-man.

Status: Poor. /_\
Listening to: Megalomaniac - Incubus
Eating: Some sort of confectionery (Room is dark, except for the computer screen, so I don't get caught x])

Drinking: What I hope to be juice x]


  1. yes we are hopefully seein bride wars wen it comes out and steph j wants to come to if thats ok with u... i said its ok with me coz steph is cool!
    u r so really random mandee! gosh! i resent that remark u made bout dwyer callin me JENNY! gosh mandee! i am on msn... u r just not lookin hard enough. also i go on at reasonable times unlike u where u r on msn in like the morning wen every1 else is doin better things like um i dunno... SLEEPING! Which is wat u should try every now and then! it will do u good trust me!
    xxx =]

  2. Lol! Yeh, of course it is! Anyone else want to see it? So do you think we should reserve tickets?

    Hah!Sleep? What is this..."sleeping" thing you speak of, lol! x] jks jks, I doooo sleep though! x] Just...not at conventional times or at frequent intervals lol x] I do look! ;_; but can you really blame me? (the person with impaired sight, hearing, and is "just slightly" less intelligent than the rest of the population x]


  3. Hey Mand-eee x]
    Cool u get the bground?

    All my love,

  4. Annaa~~ : )

    eh? what background~? you mean my "lack of" background? x]'s pretty plain atm..but until I can fix the other one...this one will ave to do x]

    and...OMG! you have a blogg!! =D
    Would you mind if I put your link here? I keep forgetting to get everyone's permission before I put it on...I've got a few people. (I'll get around to the other ones later x])


  5. Oi [x
    Long time no talkk (well not really, but you know [x) You should jump on msn again lol, unless your blocking me o.O lol nah.
    I know about my comments it is BS! I have searched hard and far for an answer but I just can't figure out how to enable them T.T but i will keep trying to figure it out...but at least i got the tagboard up, that works okay [=

    And there's nothing wrong with this layout, I think its fine lol [: mine is still being retarded though...stupid blogs lol. I need more things to put in my background...Ideas??? any lol???

    And that was a reeaaaaaaaallllly late/early post lol, 5:30 :S.

    But anyways [= going to sydney tomoro, so yeah I dunno if we can meet or whatever, and I probly won't be able to get internet there (i think we're staying at a pretty pov place) so yeah, i dunno. And then when i get home (saturday) I'm going straight up the east coast cuz we're going camping, so yeah..I probably woin't get internet (let alone a computer) for the next couple of weeks >.<

    But anyways, just thought I'd drop a line lol. Catch ya sometime soon

  6. Oh, and forgot to ask, why can't I follow your blog? there's no link lol.... Q.Q

  7. Hey~ : )

    LOL! Course I wouldn't block you! x] ...neverr! : ) (well I just don't block people in general..makes me feel horrible xp)
    Oh!I could try too, because I am still attempting to fix the "other one"...yeh, you know "that"..Okay, I must admit, I don't really like it, but I spent...wayyy too much time on it to give up on it now x] (I want to at least be able to fix it x])
    Gah! I know, aye! blogs need to become...more easier? ^o) lol I don't know...but better x]

    Oh! I thought it was Friday...or is that just when you had free time? x] I'm sure you've already told me this millions of times...horrible memory, SORRY!

    Ah!seriously?! Uh...wait...I'll go figure it out x] Thanks for telling me =]


  8. mandy you gay head! Change the colour of that font in your comments, I cannot read...

    Well, i changed mah's crap.

    I posted more?

    I'm writing the final chapter of TPC...I can't wait to finish it. I just read your blogs, this one's pretty funnehhhhh.

    Lol.I haven't seen you in a while. What are you doing tmoz?
    come on msn.
    I like the dwyer joke lolz. I bet she swoons over him when he does that. Or would that be me?? haha! on msn. I'll be there if you are.

  9. Lol!! Stephhh! I haven't seen you in a million years!! O.O!

    Oh! yeh, I'll go change that : )
    On your blog? or FF?

    Haha! Nicee! I'll go check out the remaining chapters tomorrow : )
    Lol! Do you mean this post or the blog? x] Thanks for reading! ^^

    Uh...well I'm not sure...I don't remember when I have plans any stuff x] Baha!Yes, you see her resisting the urge to faint when he calls her and her dreamy eyes (aka fantasizing about inappropriate senarios of her and Dwyer) during breaks lol!
    O.O! Oh goshh! "weeh" (lol..damn, I wish blogs had emoticons too, well if you don't remember which one that is I'll show you on msn haha! I type out all my emoticons so I remember them ><) Haha! You know you do! With your vivid and unbridled imagination of yours I'm surprised you can surpress the nosebleeds lol! (Only you would get that joke ><)haha!


  10. I post more blogs...i think you've read chappie nine. Or I told you about it...

    Lol nosebleeds. I have a mind strong enough to combat it...with all my dirty thoughts and what not, it may intensify it one day.

    I've got one more chapter to go on TPC...and uh...I haven't done your ones, but it will be a whole series by itself. I love my FF.

    You know what I want to my chapters on this blog...or at least talk about the effin stories.

    I'm almost onto my second (: Waiting for that beta...

    Thanks for changing that font.
    I still don't think my comments work. I'm like WTF?!

    I just thought of something. I'll be all like "I've been writing over the holidays...but it's not what you expect" hehehe...
    No, I wouldn't do that!! But I want to...Goshdangit.

    You coming to Leahs on Aus.Day?
    xo stepharella. Sounds like a disease!! Stepharrhoea. Steph TI.
