Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Leaving today! O.O

OMFG!WHY DO I ALWAYS DO THAT?!?!?! RAGE QUIT MAN! (lols jks jks, I'll type it again..but GAH!!) Once again my stupidity has caused me to lose three quarters of my post! (I seriously need to remember to put in a notepad!...the one time I forget and this happens...just my luck..==")

OH.MY.GOSH! LOLS! well I have been slacking off with blogging...again. =="
There was supposed to be another post in between this..but meh, I need photos for that so yeh x]
Ahh!! I cannot believe I'll be off this island..and on to an even smaller island =="for the next 10 months in less than 24 hours! I should probably be packing..but this seems to be holding my attention for the while...but mostly msn and fbing. Hopefully I'll finish packing before x] I'll figure it out later : P LOLS

OMG! LOLS I don't know, it seems every time I blog I have something to write about my best friend technology ==" GAH! My phone has COMPLETELY stopped working now! WAHH!! So I'm
emoing right now. But I cannot decide for the life of me, because I'm leaving so I'm excited...but my phonee!! ;_; this is a TRAGEDY! AND of course knowing my luck...and intelligent mind, I have saved all of my contacts ON MY PHONE! (*sigh...why didn't I save to my sim card mann!!) I have some photos of it just before I like suicided..but I'll upload them later..due to...some technical difficulties on this computer...==" which now brings me to ANOTHER malfunction ;_; Yes, I accidentally...put yet another virus on this computer..==" so I'm not uploading until I can get it fixed x] ...heh..heh...==" (Well...I'll upload when I'm on another computer lols)

Well I cannot remember what else I had said...and I should probably pack, so PHOTOS ARE COMING!....soon. haha x]

Bye bye for noww~ I'll post later today or somethingg : )

Status: SO DISORGANIZED!! O.O ....and not too worried~ LOLS! x]
Listening to: 年度之歌-謝安琪 (OMG Loving this song atm : ) )
Eating: Cereal LOLS!
Drinking: Stale water..eww : P

Monday, March 2, 2009

So the Countdown Begins...

Lol, lovely title don't you agree? I think it's brilliant and makes a big impact because I am such a genius baha! jks jks x]

This time I really will try to cut down the length of my post : P Sorry about that last post xp hah...hah x]
Well as my fantabulistic/fantabulous title implies...well not so much imply but actually states, the countdown has begun! The days until I leave for Japan! (yes, days! Nevermore will it be "months" until I go but "days" until I go!!)

It currently stands at 23 days! : P lolss x] (Unless I cannot count..and have mislead everyone to think I'm leaving in 23 days when in fact I'm not...but I do hope I haven't gotten it wrong : P)

Ah yes, photos! I nearly forgot..-.- lolss, I was going to make a separate post for my signature shirt things but nearly failed to do so : P
Well I'm amazed I even remembered x] I have terrible memory...Believe me when I say terrible x] It's so terrible that even technology's hatred cannot surpass my lack of ability to retain anything in my mind! I mean even my endless pit for an appetite cannot rival my abhorrent recollection of thought...(and I eat A LOT! People who see me throughout the weekdays would know that : P haha...)

My Eating Habits:
Wake Up- Eat
Get to school before the bell- Eat
First Period- Eat
Second Period- Eat
Recess- Eat (my lunchx]/ food donated to me : ) haha)
Third Period- Eat
Fourth Period- Eat
Lunch- Eat (buy food from canteen/food donated to me : ) lols)
When bell rings for class- Go straight to canteen to buy extra food : P
Fifth Period- Eat (food bought from canteen)
Sixth Period- Eat (" ")
Bus 1(from school to shops)- Go to shops to buy food and eat
Bus 2 - Catch either back home or to shops close to house and buy more food to eat x]
(Optional)Bus 3- If latter option chosen, catch bus to go home.
Home- Go grab the first edible thing(s) you see that requires the least effort to eat and go on the computer and eat until dinner time
Dinner- Eat (obviously..-.-)
After Dinner- Eat until sleep (earliest usually 2-3am)

Lols that's basically my timetable throughout the school terms : P

Thanks for reading~ : ) Hopefully you'll come back and visit~
Okay, this will be the last time I do this because it's annoying : P, please feel free to comment : ), constructive criticism is appreciated so I know where I'm going wrong and how to improve. I generally love all feedback (good and bad! I would like to know if you don't agree with anything (and of course if you do). It lets me know, I guess, who I'm talking to, what you are like (in a 'non-stalker-ish" way : )) and that there ACTUALLY is someone there! x])

Bye bye~!
xx z-man.

Status: Distracted, ♥ 林俊杰 : )
Listening to: 不潮不用花钱 - 林俊杰
Eating: Cookies and Cream Ice-cream ♥ (Yummm, loveee ice-cream : D lols)
Drinking: Ginger Beer (?) (or whatever it's called : P)

Ps. Yes I'm getting lazy...I'm only going to do one color today : P

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Random #3

First off, there you go, this post is considerable shorter than previous posts lolss. Now start.

Oh! This probably isn't very interesting to the rest of the population but....I finally went to LUNA PARK~ : ) haha x] It was fun! >< I went on all the rides~(that I could fit on x] haha) Most of us were completely soaked at the end since it was raining and we went on "The Big Splash" countless times x] haha!
I forgot my camera that day (Ahh, I'm kicking myself for that) and had a run in with technology again when we realised that Xue's camera was out of batteries...-.- lols
When we though all was lost and that none of us had a camera Adrian came and saved the day and lent us his camera for the day~ : ) (Thank youuuuuu~
I would have died if there wasn't a camera to take photos so I could commemorate my first time at Luna Park! haha) But in the beginning his camera also appeared not to be working which nearly gave me a heart attack! : P
...I really have to get those photos..-.- lols x]

On a more recent topic, I had my last day at school today~! : )
I am now free from Australian education until 2010! Where I will have to suffer the consequences of not writing in english for 10 months : P haha~ x] I'll post up a photo of the sec : P lolss IF technology decides to have mercy on me today...-.-
..the end result?...
-.- i hate technology...
any guesses anyone? Yes...that is's not uploading..rawrrr!!
Anyways, moving on, I'll upload it at a later time and post it : )
...hmmm, actually I'll post one together with the rest of them : )
Oh, and a big THANK YOUU~!
for everyone who contributed to the signing of my shirt : ) Lovee you all! : )

Argh! But something else tragic happened (besides stupid technology being predictable as ever -.- lols)...yesterday though! : P ;_; .... I finally worked up enough courage to go back to the hairdresser after the last disastrous cut to get another one...;_; (Okay...I must admit it's not as shit as the last one..but *'s still..gahhh, I dislike it : P) I don't know why but he always cuts it way too short! won't leave it alone. ;_;

Ahh, such sweet people! Well I mention SW for buying me new headphoness! Thank youuu!Yes, and hopefully my brother's headphones will last until Monday when I receive yours due to another incident with technology malfunctioning on me...3 pairs of headphones decided to breakdown on me in the matter of 2 days...
Ahh~ on the topic of gifts, I must also thank my youth leader, Joni! She bought me a bible with the prettiest bookmark ever! x] I will take good care of it in Japan! Thank you guys! : )

Thanks for reading~ : ) Hopefully you'll come back and visit~
Ahh..I think I'm going to stop saying this soon...but just for the heck of it I will say it again this time : P, please feel free to comment : ), constructive criticism is appreciated so I know where I'm going wrong and how to improve. I generally love all feedback (good and bad! I would like to know if you don't agree with anything (and of course if you do). It lets me know, I guess, who I'm talking to, what you are like (in a 'non-stalker-ish" way : )) and that there ACTUALLY is someone there! x])

Bye bye~!
xx z-man.

Status: Happy~
Listening to: 發現愛 - 林俊杰 & 金莎 (One of my favorite songs~ : ) lol)
Eating: Tim tams ♥
Drinking: N/A

ps...actually looking back on it now I don't think it's actually much shorter..on the contrary, there may be a possibility that it could be longer >< lols : P

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Random #2

Ah! Sorry for the lack of blogging...if anyone reads this x] Here is another "filler post" before I actually begin to complete my actual purpose for this blog (yes, because "everyone loveeees filler posts")
Okay, well I don't think I have any interesting to report atm...either that or I don't remember it xp GAH! I H-A-T-E TECHNOLOGY! I WILL
K-I-L-L IT ONE DAY!! I know I went on a really long rant about it last time I posted, and I apologize for bringing it up again, I mean, I really was going to keep it to a minimum this time, but...GAH!It just HAD to be stupid and screw up...I mean I wrote out most of this post and I left to watch "Lie to Me" on TV (btw, that is a good show, someone must remind me to watch that from now on : P lols) and when I came back to come make it all nice and colorful and prettify it up but I am instead shocked to find....HALF OF IT MISSING!arghh!!! (Oh and my tags went missing too, but that's alright because it's easy to re-type seeing as they're related to the post : P) *sigh...well let's see what I can remember...uh...

Well Xue had her birthday party...2 weeks ago (?) Anyways, I met some her friends, who were all, V.nice and extremely smart! her...: ) lols I feel so V.V.stupid around them : P But all's good because they were v.friendly~
I woke up at 4am that day...-_-" Haha, well anyways I got there hour-ish before the time we had to meet because I needed to buy some things...but I spent basically the whole time going in the wrong direction...(Did I mention I also have V.bad sense of direction? heh...) So I walked for 30 minutes-ish and thought...huh...this doesn't look like the right place...and had to walk all the way back but by then it was about the time to go to the train station where everyone else was supposed to be gathering and I was completely clueless of who everyone was, but then Nola came up to me and introduced me to everyone and we walked to Market City, all the while fighting for who should hold the bags, to eat lunch. After that we went to Galaxy World for...a v.long time >< (Ahh, I'm soo poor!) Lovee DDR~!!!
lolss. Oh! I also went to K for the first time~!! It was fun~!! But DREADFUL! A couple of things happened, first of all, when we arrived at Big Echo they told us that their larger rooms were "under maintenance" and referred us to K-mix, so as we headed to K-mix but on the way the group got split in half and the people who knew the way ran ahead and left us in the dust, coughing and dying on the streets; the people that were lagging behind because they were talking or didn't even begin to know which direction to go (Obviously I was the latter part of the group which arrived later). lol. Oh! Something unexpected happened when we were leaving Big Echo, I saw my brothers (with a couple of their friends) walking in! Lol, which is why I started talking to Stanley. Haha! Anyways he made a comment about how dodgy it was that my brothers were walking in with 3 girls(...or was it 4? meh) lol and of course, naturally as the "wonderfully nice sister that I am", I defended them, lols, well this continued until we arrived at K-mix where "THAT" happened. haha, don't worry, nothing suss. I was just, my hand was abused! lols, like seriously the next day it was so swollen, purple and red that someone came up to me and asked if I was alright >< . After the slapping game we played another torturous game! Well we had a lot of food from lunch that was uneaten so we had to get rid of it somehow without putting it to waste so they suggested playing games (whoever loses, eats. One thing you need to know, I can't play games; I have horrible luck and practically always lose), I ended up (basically) eating the entire extra cake! (and Stanley wouldn't give me my drink back until I finished the cake...-.- so cruel! lols) Ah~ but Adrian helped me because he felt so sorry for me, I was dying lols! So nice lar~! haha
Oh! But it doesn't end there, after that to finish the rest of the food they decided to swap to playing with Nancy's dodgy cards haha (They looked nice though, so shinyy~ ><) By the end of the session I had eaten...the cake, more cake, chips, wafers, sushi, a box of chocolate take away 2 or 3 (I didn't actually lose EVERY game : P lols, thankfully), box of shapes and part of the box...-.- (This includes what I had at the food court) Ah! I cannot believe that EVERYONE of Xue's friends (okay..maybe not everyone but most of them) could speak/read chinese! (both mando and canto) I want to learn too~! Someone teach meee x] lols

Thanks for reading~ : ) Hopefully you'll come back and visit~
I'm sorry if this is getting repetitive but I will say it anyways, please feel free to comment : ), constructive criticism is appreciated so I know where I'm going wrong and how to improve. I generally love all feedback (good and bad! I would like to know if you don't agree with anything (and of course if you do). It lets me know, I guess, who I'm talking to, what you are like (in a 'non-stalker-ish" way : )) and that there ACTUALLY is someone there! x])

Bye bye~!
xx z-man.

Status: Annoyed at my computer's lack of cooperation!
Listening to: 我最起愛的 - Hotcha
Eating: Kimchi ♥
Drinking: N/A

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

EVERYTHING electronic hates me...

Okay, I'm sure I've said this wayy too many times to the people who know me but, there is one thing I'm certain in this world, and that would be that EVERYTHING electronic hates me!

Now, you probably don't believe me at this point in time but it's true!
In my (short) lifetime to date I have experienced many "tragedies" with technology, so many that it is now virtually impossible for me to list them all! (...maybe that was a tiny, T-I-N-Y bit exaggerated, but only a bit! But that is purely caused by my lacking memory x]) Anyway the point is, it resents me!! x]

For example: Someone my ageas young as me should not have gone through 5 music players (currently do not have one..;_; It's very sad...My parents refuse to get me anymore, but I guess I understand...3 of them did break on me in less than a year...O.O! (I seriously didn't break them, I swear!It just didn't like me and died on purpose!...;_;)), 6 phones (I don't even know what happened there...My mum said if I break my current phone I'm going to have to buy it myself /_\)....have put a virus on every computer in the house (which we have 6 and we had another one couldn't be saved O.O!)...more than 3 times each....(so...about 20-ish times?) *sigh... and it doesn't even end there, I even managed to break the dish washer...the first time I used it...(Now, have to wash up..;_;)

Haha! Funny, once I went to the cinemas and went to watch a movie with a friend and the movie went through "some technical difficulties"!!! O.O! I was!?!'s sad, even the movie theaters dislike me. Not just that, the computer acts in abnormal patterns! (I was amazed this occurrence happened with my friend as well!) So I was talking to Jenn the other day in the car and we were talking about how horrible our computers treat us (the younger siblings in the family) and how it works fine (even going at an abnormally fast rate) but when they sign out and we go LAGS!GAH! hate goes at the rate of a snail! Okay, I know everyone lags once in a while (and it's annoying) but...why only when we go on the computer?...It was working fine a couple of minutes ago! (In the scenario above with our older siblings)
Well, there are many, many other things that have happened but as I said...there's just too many to list x] I could write a thesis on it, or a series of novels O.O! lol

Any guesses what happened today? Yes, that's right. Yet another display of treachery against me was shown by technology (GAH!) I have lost 1000 photos today!1000! (okay, sorry, it was actually 990 photos) But I was devastated! and so V.upset! I had uploaded them and it automatically deletes the photos that it had copied from the camera to the computer. But when I checked the photos that I had uploaded...I witnessed...*shudders

OH! It was TERRIBLE!!My computer had uploaded 990 files of nothingness... (below is a screen shot of the files with nothing in them...(this is only halfway through the page)I think if you click on it you can enlarge it)

Well I'm not as torn as I was when I first saw it, but it's still very sad! If anyone knows how to fix this I would be indebted to you foreverrr!!! x]
Actually I was so depressed about the loss of them that I was fully repulsed by just the thought of photos because I didn't want it to happen again..;_; (This is coming from me, the girl who is absolutely IN LOVE with photography...although not great at it...;_; But I still love taking photos of surroundings and people) Okay, well although I'm still not too keen at the moment I know that I will yearn to pick up the devil camera again and take photos once again later in the week x]

Lol! Well thanks for joining me again Thanks for reading~ : ) Hopefully you'll come back and visit~

Once again, please feel free to comment : ), constructive criticism is appreciated so I know where I'm going wrong and how to improve. I generally love all feedback (good and bad! I would like to know if you don't agree with anything (and of course if you do). It lets me know, I guess, who I'm talking to, what you are like (in a 'non-stalker-ish" way : )) and that there ACTUALLY is someone there! x])

Bye bye~!
xx z-man.

Status: Depressed!
Listening to: Some asian song
Eating: It's supposed to be a fruit cake...but it doesn't taste right...O.O! And "remedy" chocolate

Monday, January 12, 2009

Random #1

Hello again~ : )
So to fill in time betw
een now an March I thought I should continue to post here : ) So this is my "Random series" (aka rambling and spontaneous things that jump into my mind x])
Okay, well I think I'll continue with the whole color thing while I'm still not feeling too lazy because it takes uberly long for me to choose colors because I'm soo really fussy on them(actually I lie, I'm taking a shortcut today (because it is currently...3.39am, although I realise by the time I post this it will be a lot later because I am
wayy too slow x])(I'm just using the colors from last time x]))

Adding on "the things I like"
from last time, I cannot believe I left this out, but Korean things are like O.O! so! x] Okay, what am I kidding, I'm like ♥ for anything asian at the moment...It's baddd! I mean I love it...but it's baddd x]
Sorry guys! I really will try to restrain from becoming as fobby as possible (for me x]) Haha! I'll come back from Japan speaking "Jaglish" (aka Japan
ese-English) haha! Hopefully not...I don't want to be a "Chinese girl born in Australia with a Japanese accent when speaking English"O.O!

Oh! I went out today and I was just passing "Mor
ning Glory" (gah! I hate that shop! It's plotting to make me broke!) and (as usual) I cannot resist but to walk in...(and again, as usual) thinking, " Okay, this time I REALLY will not buy anything" and "This is STRICTLY just a "window" shopping trip (although I go inside the store) but (as usual) I walk out with something from the shop and less money (when I'm already poor/_\ and I'm saving for my exchange!...or at least trying to ) But today they were having a EVERYTHING HALF PRICE SALE! I was like O.O!! Like...everything....O.O x] I bought this V.cute plush toy thing (which is the photo below) x] and various other things, but I didn't take photos of them so they will be referred to as "other things".
So my latest J drama was Room of King! That was soo cute! Unfortunately the subs died halfway(I know why they do...but the think I don't understand i
s why it's ALWAYS halfway through the series when the subs go all weird) so I had to listen to it..;_; lol (I's sad that I can't do both yet..I can either listen and understand(but not get to watch) or watch and not understand../_\ EPIC FAIL! gahhh..wish I could do both ;_;) But I loveddd it! x] Okay, I'm probably bias because I love ALL the dramas that Mizushima Hiro is in! (There are "several" other actors/actresses that I are ♥ but that will be for another time x]) Even though he's in it, I have seen better. But still good~
Cannot wait till his next drama (Mei-chan no Shits
uji (aka Mei's Butler). This drama is based on a manga, and Shinonome Mei ( a first year junior high student) is played by Eikura Nana ♥ : ) (21), Mizushima HIro(23) as Shibata Rihito (21 year old Butler) and Sato Takeru(19) is Shibata Kento (Mei's classmate and younger brother of Rihito).

1. Eikura Nana
2. Mizushima Hiro
3. Sato Takeru

Jenn!! Oh! I just thought, are we watching "Bride Wars" (oh please say I got the name of the movie right x]) on the day it comes out? Or will it be just too annoying to get tickets on that day? 5 days~! : ) Have you seen Brownie's bag?! I was like...O.O! (hmm..I just appears that I have that expression A LOT!) It's..woah! I want to see it! It's like..EPIC! I wonder how long it took...
One more thing, you NEVER seem to go on msn! x] I'm like, jenjen~ where is jenjen~! x] lol or maybe you prefer a more "Dwyer" approach to it, Jenny. lol! you know you like it : )

Oh! I went to...uh...where is that place? ...well the place name isn't important because I can't remember it, but moving on, I went like..3 days ago? and I took some prettiiffulll photoss (in my opinion..I'm not sure if other people would agree.../_\)~ (because the place was very prettiiifuullll~) x] lol (But I haven't uploaded them yet ><)

Well I think I really should sleep...the time is now 5.25am-ish and this post is gradually becoming longer than it should really need to be.

Thanks for reading~ : ) Hopefully you'll come back and visit~

Once again, please feel free to comment : ), constructive criticism is appreciated so I know where I'm going wrong and how to improve. I generally love all feedback (good and bad! I would like to know if you don't agree with anything (and of course if you do). It lets me know, I guess, who I'm talking to, what you are like (in a 'non-stalker-ish" way : )) and that there ACTUALLY is someone there! x])

Bye bye~!
xx z-man.

Status: Poor. /_\
Listening to: Megalomaniac - Incubus
Eating: Some sort of confectionery (Room is dark, except for the computer screen, so I don't get caught x])

Drinking: What I hope to be juice x]

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


First and foremost, hello and welcome to my blog : )
I'm Mandy, a 2009 Exchange Student going to Japan(I know, how exciting aye~ x] lol), and this is my...currently not so interesting blog x]
That will change very soon!...hopefully.
I am infatuated with...many, MANY things at the moment, some of which include languages (I even made a list of the order in which I'm (planning on) learning them (there's about..9-ish?...Somehow I don't see this happening, but I can always dream : )), art- although I epically fail at it, photos (because seriously, I cannot live without them ><) and of course JAPAN! This brings me to why I had originally created this blog.

Although I do plan to continue blogging after my exciting adventure in Japan, basically I had made this blog to keep note of the various activities and happenings in Japan (as a kind of "personal online journal" as I have terrible, terrible memory, as well as to (attempt to) share my experiences in Japan with you!(But you will rapidly become aware of the fact that I cannot explain things and/or speak in a clear, orderly manner that makes sense to the rest of the world (Sorry! Don't worry, I will try to speak as normally as possible (for me))..which is (partly) also the reason for why it is a "personal" online journal x])) Oh, on the note of journals, thank you "Playboy Santa" (aka Ked) for the lovely and very prettiiiifullll journal that you bought me! That was so thoughtful! (Now I don't have to go out and become increasingly frustrated with myself because I couldn't choose one..or find one to buy myself =] ) Everyone's message was so sweet! : ) Loved it ♥

So for the next 10 months starting from March 25th (?) I hope to be blogging about my life in Japan as well as several other things. If you ever have any questions I will to try to help...I really do emphasis the try to x]. I would love to help (if possible)...But I'm sorry if I'm not that great x]
Ahh, but really still cannot believe that I will be even going to Japan! Its been about...2 months since I had found out and since then I had not heard much from AIIU (which is the company I will be going with)...which is (partly) why it feels like it was just a dream that I actually got accepted, until yesterday when I found out where my school is (as well as which school I will be attending in Japan!). I haven't got a clue who my host family is yet but that's alright (for now, hopefully I will find out soon though). In about 2 months, I will be sitting on the plane on my way to Narita Airport =D Well, I don't want to start to ramble as I have a really bad habit of doing if I don't refrain myself so I guess I will wrap it up here! : )

Ah! One more thing, please feel free to comment : ), constructive criticism is appreciated so I know where I'm going wrong and how to improve. I generally love all feedback (good and bad! I would like to know if you don't agree with anything (and of course if you do). It lets me know, I guess, who I'm talking to, what you are like (in a 'non-stalker-ish" way : )) and that there ACTUALLY is someone there! x])

Thanks for your time~! : )
Bye bye~!
xx mandee. (aka z-man. lol)

ps. Oh! There's another thing I (nearly) forgot to add, sorry. A VERY late Merry Christmas to everyone and also another late thing Happy New Year! (Sorry!)

Mood: Relieved.
Listening to: Straight Jacket Fashion - Chevelle
Eating: Arnotts Biscuits~ x]